FLAG Investments AG

is focused on M&A of companies and/or investments in companies from the
economically very interesting area
surrounding "Lake Constance Region".
Affiliated local partner (a company with 18 years of experience in M&A business) works closely with FLAG Investments AG to conduct due diligence and develop superior insight into market expectations for FLAG Investments AG portfolio companies in "Lake Constance Region".
Map - Flag

FLAG Investments AG's offer to investors

FLAG Investments AG is offering 47.5% of shares to investors in minimum tranches of 5.94%
for Euro 0.94 Million or complete package for Euro 7.5 Million alternatively. The rest of shares
are being held by members of the Management Board.
Guarantee is limited to the investment, additional payment of capital is not obligatory.
The entrance fee is 2% of the value of the purchased shares.
Shareholders shall keep their shares at least for 5 years; early exits are possible after 2 years
with offering of related shares to other shareholders for additional charge of 25%.
Chart - Flag

Paying out

Payouts are coming out from current incomes of portfolio companies and takings from sold companies.
Shareholders shall be paid 3% of the total sum invested from the first year on.
All future payouts will be used for complete repayment of invested capital in the first place.
Then each shareholder gets all further incomes until 10% p.a. (IRR) interests of invested capital reached.
Payouts over this are divided 90% for shareholders and 10% for the management.